L’archive théâtrale de la Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio : un pèlerinage dans la matière
La deuxième particularité de l’archive concerne sa propre nature : il ne s’agit pas d’une archive historique, qui resterait au-delà de...

Digging the Archive: Santa Sofia. Teatro Khmer
In Santa Sofia. Teatro Khmer (1986) the set is dominated by an enormous Byzantine icon of the Pantocrator Christ, staring with a piercing...

Lazarus, come out!
Dialogo del Risorto Gesù: Fratelli, spostate la pietra. Lazzaro, vieni fuori! Lazzaro: Signore, non voglio. Non voglio più tornare nella...

Digging the Archive: Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio | In praise of such ancient beauty
At the origins of this production lies the need for a fable which casts away the automatic nature of time, its style and its consumption,...

Digging the Archive: Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio & Scott Gibbons | Crescita VIII-The Cryonic Chant
Crescita VIII-The Cryonic Chants Objective songs and poems, taken from an impassive animal “How can we obtain a series of words from a...

I believe that Claudia was really possessed by the true archivist’s spirit
One of the main objectives of the ARCH work team concerns the documentation, classification and digitization of the archive of the...

Romeo Castellucci | Ethica: Natura e Origine della Mente
LIGHT: I am the light that comes and goes. You are all objects that can be replaced. You don't worth much. You don't last forever. TV...

![Claudia Castellucci | The Cadence [La Cadenza]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/9e8b4b_e9f925e2149740fb9f1325129bfaf4c5.jpg/v1/fill/w_321,h_241,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/9e8b4b_e9f925e2149740fb9f1325129bfaf4c5.webp)
Claudia Castellucci | The Cadence [La Cadenza]
Claudia Castellucci | The Cadence [La Cadenza] Claudia Castellucci, a founding member of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio, presents her eminent...