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The ARCH Project: Archival Research & Cultural Heritage
Τhe Archive of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio
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Empty words, hollow rhetoric | Giulio Cesare. Pezzi staccati
Suffused by a barrage of electoral campaign messages, one’s mind inevitably goes to Mark Anthony’s speech from Romeo Castellucci's knee...
L’archive théâtrale de la Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio : un pèlerinage dans la matière
"This is my heart which was taken away from me in 1944"
Another successfully completed mission
Romeo Castellucci | Theatre can have even more energy than a punk concert
Romeo Castellucci | To create, and create twice
Light versus darkness: Chiara Guidi | The Land of the Earthworms
The naked person, publicly watched, is just him/her, the spectator
Digging the Archive: Santa Sofia. Teatro Khmer
Origins: The Archive of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio. A contribution to Theatre Genetics
The Visionary of the non-visual
Digging the Archive: An old postcard by Laura Farabough to Società Raffaello Sanzio
Karin in the realm of shadows: Romeo Castellucci | Orfeo ed Euridice by C.W. Gluck
A theatre of non-representation
Mythology is an attitude on life
Romeo Castellucci | Democracy in America
Lazarus, come out!
Digging the Archive: Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio | In praise of such ancient beauty
"that a simple black veil...": Romeo Castellucci | The Minister's Black Veil
Life is everywhere and that's frightening: Romeo Castellucci | Hyperion: Letters of a Terrorist
unspeakable home: Romeo Castellucci | Neither
Digging the Archive: Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio & Scott Gibbons | Crescita VIII-The Cryonic Chant a curtain which is simultaneously lifted both on the audience and the performance
I believe that Claudia was really possessed by the true archivist’s spirit
The rhetoric of words versus the rhetoric of the body | Julius Caesar. Fragments by Romeo Castellucc
Who will smash the golden calf? | Go down, Moses by Romeo Castellucci
Objects of theasis, victims of our gaze | On the concept of the face regarding the Son of God by Rom
Raffaello Sanzio
Romeo Castellucci | Ethica: Natura e Origine della Mente
Silenzio! Silenzio!
Purgatory: A "trial"
Clytaemnestra, the triumph of female power, matriarchy, mother-earth | Orestea (una commedia organic
The riddle of life waiting to be solved | The Parthenon Frieze by Romeo Castellucci
“Please forgive me, I am only an actress” | Schwanengesang D744
The reshaping of standard images
"There, between the sound of the voice and the sound of the word I’ve discovered the theatre.&q
The pleasure of watching | Brentano
Chiara Guidi: "Children HAVE culture"
Empty words, hollow rhetoric | Giulio Cesare. Pezzi staccati
Claudia Castellucci | The Cadence [La Cadenza]
The Land of Earthworms: a tragedy for children
Romeo Castellucci with the chimpanzees
Vassilis Triantafyllou offered excellent interpreting services to ARCH
The Orestea rehearsals
Recent Posts
L’archive théâtrale de la Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio : un pèlerinage dans la matière
"This is my heart which was taken away from me in 1944"
Another successfully completed mission
Romeo Castellucci | Theatre can have even more energy than a punk concert
Romeo Castellucci | To create, and create twice
Light versus darkness: Chiara Guidi | The Land of the Earthworms
The naked person, publicly watched, is just him/her, the spectator
Digging the Archive: Santa Sofia. Teatro Khmer
Origins: The Archive of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio. A contribution to Theatre Genetics
The Visionary of the non-visual
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